Sunday, July 29, 2007

One exciting week!

I said farewell to my job and career on Friday... but not before I was offered an amazing opportunity to run my program and be the supervisor. Over 13,000 more a year. Shocking really. I was seriously considering it for a few days, but due to recent events... I think I will be turning it down. For those that have talked to me this weekend, you know of the "recent events" I speak of. Lets just say surprises rock!

So I begin my new "career" as a Stay at Home Mom. Its actually quite terrifying to know that I'm unemployed, but in a larger sense, I have the most important job, not to mention the most fun, stressful and exhausting job. LOL

Paul starts the academy tomorrow. I'm so excited for him and our family. I know its going to be a grueling 4 1/2 months, but in the end it will be totally worth it and so wonderful for our family. Such big changes are coming, but if I know anything at all, I know that Paul and I will be great, our kids will be great, and our family will thrive.


Leslie @ Joy n Pain said...

Congratulations! I will be doing the same in 3 weeks!

Leslie @ Joy n Pain said...

Hey, we have that in common! My last day at work is this Friday! Yippeee!