Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yes I'm that MOM

And I'm not even ashamed.

Yes, I am the mom who let her 4 year old still have a pacifier. Yes, I am the mom who just didn't take it away, and honestly didn't even care. In my defense, Lily's' teeth are perfect, her pronunciation of words is great, and since she was 8 months old, its been confined to her bedroom. So with that being said, I still don't think it was a big deal.

But then it dawned on me... I didn't want my 5 year old having a pacifier or wearing a pull up at night... so I decided it was time to break the habits. I'm the kind of mom that goes with the flow when it comes to things like these. To be honest, I felt like she was ready, its not like I was fighting her kicking and screaming. We talked a lot about how on July 1 she was going to sleep with no 'binky'. She agreed, and I (not being above bribery) promised her a present. I'm proud to say that here on July 8th, we are back to sleeping great, with now pacifier. The first night, she whined for about 20 minutes, then took one of Julia's pacifiers (she's a resourceful one isn't she?). The second night was by far the hardest, she cried and complained for close to 1 1/2 hours, but she did it! And since then she's been great.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A month later

The summer is upon us! I'm so happy to have a summer to relax with my girls. HAHA

So far, being 3 weeks into the summer, Julia has been diagnosed with Lyme disease, Lily has been officially night time potty trained and we are packing to move! Its been far from relaxing.
Julia is on a 3 week course of antibiotics after I spotted ring-like rashes all over her. She's having a tough time recovering. Nearly every day she complains about how her legs hurt, or her sides hurt, or she's very tired. I try to take the girls to the park every day or so and Julia barely lasts an hour before she's asking to come home and lay down. Poor girl. She has one more week of her antibiotics, and then we'll do some blood work to follow up.
As for Lily... yes my almost 5 year old still wore a pull up to bed until about 10 days ago. She just never had any interest in getting up to go to the bathroom. She's a heavy sleeper, so I just didn't mess with it. I decided that she couldn't be 5 wearing a pull up, so we tried night time potty training. I layered the bed with waterproof pads and extra fitted sheets, so that if she had an accident, I just needed to take off one layer and she'd be good to go. She's done really well. She's normally asleep by 8 or 8:30pm, and I'll wake her up around 10 or so to go again. Most nights she stays dry till she wakes up, but we've had a few nights of accidents as well. But she's learning, and thats the most important part.
As for Kate... she's nearly 15 months. EEEEK when the heck did that happen? She has her 15 month well visit on Wednesday, so I'll have to remember to update with her weight and height. She's still nursing a little. She's certainly cut back and my supply has been a lot lower since my loss. But she still trys to nurse a few times a day, and I never deny her if she asks. Her "asking" to nurse is normally her smacking her lips and pulling down my shirt.

We are moving! I'm so excited. We are scheduled to close on our house July 20th. Its a wonderful 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath house on a nice quiet street... closer to my in laws, convenient for Paul's commute, and a much better school district. There is an in-law apartment that will be wonderful for my parents when they visit. The girls will have a nice family room to use as their playroom, along with an attached 1/2 bath. The kitchen is nice, there is a huge deck and the bedrooms are all bigger than what we have now. There are a few things we'd like to do before moving in, like carpeting the playroom, and painting EVERYTHING! But all in all we are excited about the things to come....

now if I could just figure out how to pack with 3 little girls....