Wednesday, August 8, 2007

my new career

I have to say my new career as a Stay At Home Mom has been going surprisingly well. The girls and I have been keeping busy with errands, playdates, park-dates, therapy appointments and other outings. I do have to admit, I thought my house would be cleaner, but apparently playing with the girls is taking up too much of my time. Actually thats a lie, I have been cleaning and decluttering... I actually tackled some closets this week and feel pretty good. I have even managed to have a nice home cooked dinner on the table when Paul comes home... sometimes.

The girls have been doing well. Every morning Lily wakes up and asks me "Where are we going today?" I guess she likes to be busy. Julia on the other hand... she has been a little monster cutting her molars. She's up every night screaming hysterically, and up for the day around 5am. Although today, she woke up at 4 screaming so I gave her a bottle and she slept till 730. Of course I couldn't fall asleep after 4, then Paul was up at 5, Lily was up crying at 530, so I just got up for the day.

1 comment:

Heather the Mama Duk said...

I'm glad you are enjoying being a SAHM. I hope Julia gets those molars in quickly and starts feeling better soon. I feel so sorry for these little babies since they have to get all these teeth so quickly when they are still so little.