Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Yesterday the girls had their physicals. My girls are completely healthy, which I already knew. Lily is 30lbs and 35 inches... Jules is 23lbs and 29 inches. My little peanuts.

We had a nice time at the birthday party and the wedding this weekend. Lily was the flower girl in the wedding, however she refused to walk down the aisle.... uggg the $120 dress up dress. I brought her home and she stayed with my parents for the night while Paul and I went to the reception. Jeff and Jenn had given us a hotel room at the hotel where the reception was, which was so nice. I really had a nice time. Saturday was spent getting ready for the birthday party. The party went really well. I LOVED having it at the Little Gym. It was so nice not to have to worry about anything, and the kids really seemed to enjoy it as well. We had a nice group of about 9 kids. After the party, people came back to our house to open gifts. I didn't really enjoy that part, I didn't have any intention of having people over to the house after the party.... but I guess that didn't matter.

So in other news....

I have given my two weeks notice at work. As of July 28th I will be a Stay at home mom. Paul starts the police academy on July 30th. The agency I work for was unable to come up with an offer to keep me to stay, so I'm going to be home with the girls! I just hope no one expects me to have a home cooked dinner on the table everynight. LOL

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