Thursday, June 14, 2007

wish us luck today

Today I have an appointment with the school district where they will decide if Lily is accepted into the preschool for the fall. Her speech and behavior therapist have led me to believe that there will be no problem with her getting in, so I hope they are right.

Yesterday I took the girls to Jen's house for a playdate. The weather wasn't so nice, but we seemed to have a good time. Lily loved being there. I hope Sierra teaches Jules to walk soon. Today the girls have another playdate (aren't they social butterflies?). Our friends will be coming over this afternoon with their two girls. Hopefully tomorrow will be a quieter day.

Jules didn't sleep well last night, and Lily didn't really either. Lily has had a couple night terrors this week. I hate them so much... she is always asleep during them, but crying, shaking, tossing and turning. Luckily the one last night didn't last so long. I find if I squeeze her and apply pressure to her back that she calms down faster. Jules was up for a bottle around 1am, and I was so tired I didn't pump... so I'm hoping that doesn't screw me and I fall behind with the bottles.

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