Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"I told you!"

"I told you!" is Lily's new favorite phrase. Everytime I come home from work, she greets me in the window, yelling "Mommy came home!" then she looks at her father and says "I told you!". Because apparently Lily tells Daddy that Mommy is coming home from work, and apparently Paul doesn't believe her... so Lily must remind him of the fact that she told him so!

Lily is turning into quite the animated child. Her tone of voice is very high, so high in fact that the speech therapist thinks that it hinders her ability to pronounciate her words correctly. She says everything with such conviction and dramatics. She is definitely the drama queen in the house. I find it incredibly amusing to listen to her all day long.

Yesterday I took her and Julia grocery shopping, then out for ice cream after. As we are driving in the car, Lily is singing every single song she knows. This includes, "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Rock-a-by-baby", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", and the ABCs. She also likes to count down from 10... and when she gets to one, she says "Blast off!". As I'm driving, I'm sitting there laughing my butt off, because I just find her to be so funny.

I think this is one of the best parts of motherhood. Seeing your child get so much joy and excitement out of the littles of things, its truly amazing. I love watching her learn things and experience things for the first time. We were playing outside the other day, and she's picking all the old dandelions, ya know the ones where you blow and the white stuff gets everywhere... anyways, she is trying to blow them and really just getting mouthfuls of the stuff... but of course she thought it was the funniest thing...

Yesterday I went to visit a pre-school that Lily will probably go to. I am not 100% sure I am comfortable with it though. I feel blocked in by my choices. Because of her speech issues, we feel that we want a pre-school program that has speech therapy included. Well this obviously really narrows our choices. We have 3 choices in our area. Both Paul and I would prefer a 3 day a week program, because we think that would be an easier transition for Lily. Well that leaves one school left, the one I visited yesteray. Luckily this school is building a new site, and it will be finished in August, so thats a definite plus. The class she would be in seems small, only about 7-8 kids, so thats good as well. There is an early childhood teacher and a speech therapist in the room. The kids also receive some music therapy as well. What I wasn't impressed with was the size of the room, it seemed rather small and cramped. The supplies and books seemed outdated and old. I also wasn't impressed with the snacks... I saw kids drinking capri-suns and eating cheetos... at 10am. So not ok in my book. I asked if snacks were something that was provided by the school or the parents. I didn't really get a straight answer. The woman leading the tour said that sometimes one parent was responsible for providing snacks one day a week, or sometimes they brought their own. I'm certainly not ok with some stranger buying a bag of cheetos on the way to preschool. yuck. I'm hoping we can get another tour soon, and that Paul and I can actually sit down with her teachers and talk to them directly. I'd like to know how long they have been teaching and their backgrounds as well.


megnum40 said...

I agree - that is one of the best part of motherhood. Lexie's wonder and enthusiasm towards the little things is what keeps me sane and able to take life for what it is, you know? I really appreciate that.
I'm glad you and the girls are doing good!!!

Maddy said...

I think teachers have to be registed - matter of public notice = you should be able to find out quite a bit on line - forewarned is forarmed.