Monday, May 7, 2007

busy weekend

This past weekend was pretty busy. Lily and I went to gym class on Saturday. Lily had a great time, as usual. She walked on the balance beam all by herself! She is getting really good and flipping over the bars too... my little gymnast!

Saturday afternoon when Paul got off of work, we took the girls to the mall and bought a new mattress for the guest bedroom. We had been considering getting a king size bed for ourselves, but realistically we didn't really have the money to do that this year, so we are hoping next year to do that. Our plan is to move our queen set into the guest room, give Lily the new one we just bought, and move Lily's twin bed into Jules' room for her... so next year we will play "musical beds"... lol

Sunday morning Lily and I started our shopping around 8:30am... we went to Walmart, the grocery store, then I headed up to Target, Old Navy and H & M.... I was in search for the perfect pajamas for Jules... I ended up getting laundry done, the house vacuumed, bathroom cleaned and kitchen mopped. So all in all it was a busy weekend. I'm actually pretty happy to be at work today, so I can catch up here and with other stuff online.

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