Monday, April 9, 2007

Happy Easter

We had a great time in Rochester this past weekend. We arrived up on Thursday afternoon. After a nice dinner with my parents and putting the kids to bed, Paul and I headed out to my favorite grocery store (Wegmans), then went out for a couple of drinks. We had a nice time. On friday, Lily and I ran some errands in the morning. We went to a little Italian bakery that I grew up going to, and Lily wooed the owners, and scored some cookies... she was happy! Friday evening my mom's entire side of the family came over for pizza. It was busy, but great to see everyone. Saturday morning we had a brunch with my dad's side of the family. Also a great time! Saturday afternoon I visited with my cousin and another friend of our family. Sunday morning was church and then the 5 hour drive home. Julia cut another tooth while we were up in Rochester... makes the grand total in the past month, 4! Not a happy girl, and definitely not a sleeping girl.

When we arrived back into town yesterday, we went straight to my in-laws for Easter Dinner. As soon as we got home, we put the kids to bed and started unpacking. How we do so much laundry is beyond me... lol. Of course Jules slept like absolute crap last night, and decided to scream from 3am-4:30am. I didn't get a chance to go back to bed, and that last hour of sleep was definitely needed. I thought I was going to have to pull over on the way to work this morning because I could barely keep my eyes open. YAWN!

Oh and before I end this blog, I have to share some of the cute things Lily has been saying.....
When you ask her what daddy's name is, she responds, "Paul", and when you ask her what mommy's name is, she responds "dear"..... hahaha, its because I always yell "Paul" and he always responds, "yes dear?".... too cute! And another, when she is getting into something we say "Lily Grace", and so now she responds, "no Lily Grace" hehe shes a cutie.

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