Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mom's Night Out

Once a month I get together for a Mom's night out with four of my friends. We met about a year ago when our children started preschool together. For 4 of us it was the first time we sent our child off to preschool. Last night was one of our nights together and we got together at one of friends' houses for good drinks, good food and of course great conversation. It dawned on me as I was driving that the 5 of us are completely different people but we somehow come together and have a great time. The 5 of us come from different walks of life, between us we have experienced divorce, adultery, annulment, stillbirth, adoption, infertility, unplanned pregnancies, we are SAHMs, working mommies, student mommies, we have had home births, elective cesareans, emergency c/s, inductions and natural childbirth, some of us breastfeed, some of us formula feed... the list of all our differences could go on and on... but all that aside, we each have a 4 year old that at some point was diagnosed with a learning delay. In the past year I have really grown to love and care for these women. We definitely have our differences, but I love listening to them and learning from them. I have such a fun time with them and really look forward to my one night out a month.

Now enough about me....

Lily started preschool this week, and has done fabulously well at her new school. I've managed the morning time rush quite well I think. I've forgotten how quiet the house is without her here. Julia and I have enjoyed our time together as well. Most times I can get Kate down for a little nap in the morning, so that gives Julia and I some time together. I've also signed Julia up for a couple activities during the week. She starts her gym class today, which her aunt is taking her to. This will give me some nice time with Lily, which I'm looking forward to as well. I'm constantly feeling like I'm not giving each of them the one on one time they need... but both of them seem to be doing wonderfully, so I can't be doing that bad of a job. I also have Julia signed up for story time at our local library on Mondays and for a Farm class on Fridays. I think she'll really love the farm class, she'll be spending time outside, visiting animals, and whatnot. Julia's been going through a very shy phases, so I'm hoping that having these activities helps her socialize a bit better. She does great with familiar faces or if Lily is around... but if she's without Lily then she clams up most of the time.

Kate is doing pretty well too. My big girl is 5 months now and growing so big. I spent a good portion of this week getting all her 6-9 month clothes out, because she has certainly outgrown her 3-6 month clothes. I haven't even given solids a thought yet, I'm just so content with how she's growing and nursing, that the thought to add anything in the mix hasn't really crossed my mind. She's still waking to nurse at night, but she's only 5 months, and I have expectation of sleep at this age... haha.


Heather the Mama Duk said...

It's strange what brings diverse people together so closely sometimes. A really good friend of mine is a few years younger than me, married 4 years, no kids, high powered divorce attorney. Yet we get along fabulously and I am glad to count her among my friends.

Hope said...

It's so amazing what you can learn and the friends you can make if we respect each other for our differences. I love being around people with diff beliefs. I'm happy you have such a wonderful group to have fun with. And your girls are dolls!