Monday, September 15, 2008

Getting the energy out...

I'm trying to be a better blogger, can you tell? Two posts in one week? Is it possible?
Lily's new thing the past two weeks or so is running laps around the house, or laps around the swingset in the yard, yelling that she has to get the energy out. I don't mind so much when its outside, but I normally have a problem with running in the house. Not really a habit I'd like to get into, but none the less, I have to giggle a bit when she does it. I think thats one of the hardest things about being a mom, trying not to laugh and keep a straight face at times. Generally though, our days are full of laughter. The things that come out of the girls' mouths are usually hilarious and they certainly keep me entertained.
Kate's new thing is rolling as a form of transportation, haha. I was so not prepared for my 5 month old to be able to roll across the house in a matter of minutes... literally. I guess I was pretty spoiled with Lily and Julia... both of them were late rollers, and were actually sitting up unassisted before they rolled over. And they never rolled in order to be mobile. Kate is a speed roller, and will literally be across the room in seconds. I should definitely try to get it on video.
Julia has been suffering with a bit of the sniffles this week, but I think we are on the tail end of it now, which I'm happy about. She's been more clingy than normal and so much more shy in new situations... I'm sure its just her not feeling well, and I'm certainly not complaining about the extra snuggles either.

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