Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yes I'm that MOM

And I'm not even ashamed.

Yes, I am the mom who let her 4 year old still have a pacifier. Yes, I am the mom who just didn't take it away, and honestly didn't even care. In my defense, Lily's' teeth are perfect, her pronunciation of words is great, and since she was 8 months old, its been confined to her bedroom. So with that being said, I still don't think it was a big deal.

But then it dawned on me... I didn't want my 5 year old having a pacifier or wearing a pull up at night... so I decided it was time to break the habits. I'm the kind of mom that goes with the flow when it comes to things like these. To be honest, I felt like she was ready, its not like I was fighting her kicking and screaming. We talked a lot about how on July 1 she was going to sleep with no 'binky'. She agreed, and I (not being above bribery) promised her a present. I'm proud to say that here on July 8th, we are back to sleeping great, with now pacifier. The first night, she whined for about 20 minutes, then took one of Julia's pacifiers (she's a resourceful one isn't she?). The second night was by far the hardest, she cried and complained for close to 1 1/2 hours, but she did it! And since then she's been great.

1 comment:

Heather the Mama Duk said...

Fritz has a pacifier at almost 3. Everywhere. Not just in bed.