Tuesday, August 26, 2008

yeah its been like 4 months

I have sat down a few times in the past few months to write a new blog post... but then someone starts crying, or someone is hungry, or someone needs to go potty, or the phone rings, etc... you get the idea. To say that having three kids is difficult is an understatement most days. But all in all we are adjusting rather well to being a family of five. The summer has been busy but relaxing at the same time.... if you can even relax with an infant in the house. Lily and Julia are outside all the time and its such a joy to watch them discover new things in their world. A couple weeks ago we had a mockingbird build a nest outside our guest room window. The girls were able to watch the bird build the nest, the eggs hatch, the babies eat, and learn how to fly. It was amazing, and so much fun to watch through their eyes. I do have to say that mommy bird was awfully busy!!!! In just 4 days her babies grew up and spread their wings.
We've also been doing some traveling, just locally. We've visited my sister in law in Long Island, went to Rochester a few times, and done some local things as well. My parents have visited us a couple times as well, and we are even planning another trip up there this weekend for a few days. Paul is even coming, so I'm excited. He hasn't visited Rochester in about 1 1/2 years, so he's due for a lovely family gathering, haha.
Paul is doing really well at work. Working lots of overtime, but its well worth it. He really seems to enjoy his job for the most part. Kate is growing like a weed as well. At 4 months she was 15lbs and 14oz... up from 7lbs 7oz at birth. She's exclusively breastfeeding, no bottles or anything. I'm really happy about it because for the first time, I don't have to pump, and its awesome! I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything because she doesn't take a bottle either. I still feel like I have freedom to go out for an hour or two when I'd like. She goes anywhere from 4-6 hours at night, so when she's down for the night, Paul and I have a bit of time if we wanted to go on a "date" or something (which we have once, LOL). I'm also cloth diapering this time, which I'm loving! Its so much fun (yeah its not your mama's or even your grandmother's cloth diapers)... no pins, no soaking, none of that. I love it. Besides being great for the environment, its easy on the checkbook too. Plus, she looks adorable sporting a pink or purple diaper! haha... yeah I'm a big dork.

Today marks my 27th birthday.... and I have to say its been about the girls today. We had a playdate this morning, played outside a lot this afternoon and had frenchfries with our dinner... yummy. And ya know what, as I was reading them a book tonight at bedtime, I realized I couldn't have asked for a better birthday. I've got three absolutely beautiful little girls, who are healthy and happy... I have a husband that works his a s s off every day so that I'm able to be home. Sure, I may not have the best sleeping 4 month old, or I may have the sassiest 4 year old or the whinest 2 year old... but in the grand scheme of things, those things won't matter... and I love it. So happy birthday to me. Life rocks.

1 comment:

Heather the Mama Duk said...

Life is great, huh? Happy late birthday!