Monday, December 31, 2007

And here comes 2008!

Our family had a fabulous Christmas. The girls were blessed with many gifts and lots of time spent with friends and family. I of course think that Toys R Us threw up all over my house, but luckily we've been able to find some new homes for our old toys, and even put away some of the new toys for rainy days. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner here at our home then went to Church with the girls. Christmas morning was spent watching the girls happily unwrap presents and then we headed over to my inlaws for more presents. After that was done the girls were getting a bit tired, so we went home and they took their naps. Paul and I spent their nap time putting together toys, cleaning up some old toys and mostly just finding the space for all their new gifts.
My parents arrived on Friday and I spent most of Saturday preparing for Paul's graduation party. We had his party yesterday and it went really well. We had tons of food and drinks left over, but I'd rather have too much than not enough, and was even able to send food home with friends, so that was great. The girls got to play with their friend's at the party, and Paul and I got to see some friends we hadn't seen in a while. All in all I think it was a wonderful time.
Today is my father's birthday, in addition to being New Year's Eve. The girls and I went out this morning to pick up breakfast for him and we had a nice breakfast together. I've been trying to get the house cleaned up a bit today as well. Tonight we will be going out for Sushi with my mother in law. Paul is working tonight from 4pm-12am and tomorrow from 8am-4pm, so he'll be spending the night at a friend's house instead of making the hour drive back home, and therefore missing out on some much needed sleep.
Wednesday is my next midwife appointment, and I'm really surprised how fast this pregnancy is going. I'm almost 27 weeks I think, which puts me at the beginning of my third trimester. I haven't done a darn thing to get ready for this baby. My goal however is to get the bedrooms painted in the next couple of weeks, then move the girls into the same bedroom in the beginning of February. Getting Julia and Lily comfortable sleeping in the same room is currently my priority, and I feel like once they are ok with that, I can start getting the nursery ready.

I'm going to attempt to post some pictures from our holiday celebrations... however I always have trouble with this part, so we'll see how it goes.

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