I feel like I haven't updated in a while. Sorry, such is the life with two little ones to run after, I suppose. I'm now officially in the 2nd trimester. And I've been in maternity clothes for about 2 weeks now. I have my second midwife appointment next Tuesday. Paul and I have decided (well I decided for Paul) to let the gender be a surprise. I figure, with it being my last baby (most likely), I want to experience having one surprise. So I guess we are going with yellow and green for everything as of now. haha
Lily is doing great in preschool, she really loves it. She does come exhausted from school but luckily is taking a good nap when she gets home. Julia is also doing pretty well. She has her "diva" moments, and the days when I can't put her down, but overall, she enjoys life. In three days she mastered how to get out of her highchair (while strapped in), how to climb up on the coffee table, and how to pull out a kitchen chair, climb up on it to get onto the kitchen table. I can't leave her alone for a second, and she wears me out!
Paul is on week 10 at the police academy... half way done. He's been doing really well but has been suffering a lot of back pain from the PT and DT they do. I hope it passes for him soon. He isn't too much help with the girls when he's in pain the whole time he's home.
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