Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

We had a nice weekend. Erin and Krista joined us for dinner on Saturday. Yummy food with equally yummy conversation. It was nice to visit with friends. Lily, Krista and I baked cookies which was lots of fun. Lily referred to Erin as "that one", which was cute. She requested that Krista give her a bath, comb her hair and read her books before bed.

Jules decided to remind us who was boss.... she had been sleeping a 12 hour night for 4 nights in a row... then all of a sudden the past two nights its back to nightwakings and early mornings. I hope that she goes back to sleeping through the night soon, I was kinda getting used to it!

Yesterday the girls gave me Mother's Day cards (which Paul picked out obviously), they were quite funny. Lily kept saying that mommy had mail. We then took my mother-in-law out for breakfast. We gave her silver heart earrings that had 2 rubies (the girls' birthstones) and a small diamond in them. She loved them.... well at least she said she did. She gave me chocolate covered strawberries, a beautiful card, and a giftcard for the mall (which she instructed was to only be used for me). After brunch we came home and relaxed. Paul got me a necklace from Tiffany's... he ordered it online. But for some reason they sent him a bracelet. Its not even the same style. The necklace has 5 open hearts on it, but the bracelet they sent has small teardrops... so he is going to exchange it, since I'd rather have the necklace.
Paul worked last night and the girls took decent naps, so all in all it was a good evening and a great Mother's Day.

Last Wednesday Paul and I met with a neuro-psychologist that we were hoping would complete the neuro-psych eval for Lily. After speaking to the psychologist, we learned a few things and now have some decisions to make. According to them, neuro-psych evals are normally done closer to the age of 4, and seeing how Lily isn't even 3 yet, they aren't sure whether or not it would be beneficial yet. They did suggest an OT eval because of some of her sensory issues she has. Our pediatrician has also suggested Sensory Integration Therapy for her, and we are now working on scheduling the OT eval to start this. We just need to find an OT that works primarily with sensory stuff, because a lot of them mainly work with fine motor skills. We also found out that the neuro-psych eval is very similar to the psych eval she will get done through the school district before she starts preschool. However, after speaking to another mother in our area that is going through something simliar... the neuro-psych eval would be a little different and would provide a more "medical" eval more than just the standard IQ testing that the psych eval does. We have a friend that is a psychologist in the school district, so I might give her a call and talk to her about what the eval she does includes. We also found out that our insurance company does not cover the neuro-psych eval when its done in regards to developmental delays, disabilities or suspected autism... and without insurance it runs $1,000. Obviously if we need it, we'll pay for it... but given the fact its not normally done till the age of 4, and the fact its so close to the psych eval she is already getting done, I'm questioning whether or not we need to do this now, or later.

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